You can think that you have control of your life.
Then in a moment…it can all change.
You can plan.
You can schedule.
You can mind map.
You can visualize.
But there can be a moment…or a week…when you don’t feel like you have control of your life at all.
You can get sick.
You can break a tooth.
You can have a car accident.
You can fall down the stairs of your home.
And then…all of that scheduling and planning can go out the window…because in those moments…you don’t have ultimate control…and that is the difference.
In the big picture, we do control our lives…but those details…the smallest things…can get in the way…and even though we feel like we don’t have control of our life in that moment…we still do, don’t we? Because we are always at choice…
What Does Being in Control of Your Life Really Mean?
Does it mean that your life is rigid and that everything happens at a certain time, in a certain way, with certain people? For some people that is what it does mean…and that leads to a crisis when life goes the way that it does…
Because even if we want things to go a certain way, we can’t force them to do that. People have free will…and life happens…
Or does it mean that when we have flexibility of behaviors…when we can make decisions quickly…that even in times of crisis and uncertainty…that you do have control of your life?
It’s All About Flexibility of Behavior and Decisions
What we are in control of is our reaction to those life events. We can be prepared…and it is a great idea to be prepared…but you can’t be prepared for every eventuality. That can be paralyzing.
Yes, have an emergency fund. Yes, have a backup plan. Yes, make plans and have goals. Those are all essential to living a fulfilling life. You need to have a map in order to know where you are going, don’t you?
What happens when you are blindsided, though…and that event happens that you weren’t prepared for? Perhaps your partner has come home and announced that they no longer want to be married to or in a relationship with you…and you didn’t see it coming…
What then?
These Being in Control of Your Life Quotes

“Learn from the past, set vivid, detailed goals for the future, and live in the only moment of time over which you have any control: now.” Denis Waitley
We do only have now…it’s the only moment that we have the guarantee of. See that bright and brilliant future…and live in the present…and know that by doing that…even if you have to readjust your path…you can have that future…

“You cannot control what happens to you, but you can control your attitude toward what happens to you, and in that, you will be mastering change rather than allowing it to master you.” Brian Tracy
Attitude is everything. Change is constant…whether we want it to be or not…and how flexible we are in reacting to it, depends on our attitude.
“The most difficult thing is the decision to act, the rest is merely tenacity. The fears are paper tigers. You can do anything you decide to do. You can act to change and control your life; and the procedure, the process is its own reward.” Amelia Earhart
Make that decision. When we don’t make decisions, we are stuck…and it is one of the main causes of procrastination…a lack of making a decision to move forward.
“I believe that you control your destiny, that you can be what you want to be. You can also stop and say, ‘No, I won’t do it, I won’t behave his way anymore. I’m lonely and I need people around me, maybe I have to change my methods of behaving,’ and then you do it.” Leo Buscaglia
You do have a choice…and because you have a choice…ultimately, in the big scheme of things…you do have control of your life…even if you didn’t know it…so…no matter what happens…or did happen…if you can accept that responsibility…then, no matter what happens…you can feel that you do have control of your life…because you do…
“Drive your own life…you deserve to, don’t you?” Sherie Venner
Latest posts by Sherie (see all)
- The Truth About Getting Beyond Survival Mode in a Crisis - April 6, 2014
- Overcoming Emotional Pain: Easy or Not? - March 2, 2014
- If You Can Do This Like A Navy Seal, Then You Can Knock Out Stress - November 3, 2013
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I do deserve to control my own life. I am responsible for my behaviors. Thanks for the post Sherie.
Sebastian Aiden Daniels recently posted..Traumatic Childhood! How it affects a person and how to heal from it! Part 2.
You’re welcome, Sebastian! I appreciate you reading it and commenting!
Sherie recently posted..How Your Relationship Might Be Sabotaging Your Business Success
I always love your posts, Sherie – they are always so insightful. I couldn’t agree more, “What we are in control of is our reaction to those life events,” and that “attitude is everything.” Thanks for another great piece.
Lisa Frederiksen – recently posted..Underage Substance Use | Poor Academic Performance
Awww…thank you, Lisa! <3
Sherie recently posted..Relationship Tips. #7. Listen: Is Anybody Really Listening?
Yes, life happens and, yes, what happens in the immediate next depends on our reaction to what just happened. Our reaction to events is very important to who we are as a person.. great article.
Pat Moon recently posted..Tre-en-en, Heart Palpitations, Running Scared
It certainly is…really appreciate your comment, Pat, thanks!
Sherie recently posted..Whose Really in Control of Your Life?
Thanks Sherie! I totally agree – it’s all about choice and responsibility and that is where we really do have control. Personally I like to maintain a flexible approach even though I do try to work with a solid plan – there is always change and I believe that change is good!
Moira Hutchison recently posted..Motivation: Winning The Battle In Your Head
Well said, Moira!
Sherie recently posted..Whose Really in Control of Your Life?
I love this article especially where it discusses how we cannot change what will happen but we can change our attitudes. It is great to be prepared, but we cannot prepare for the unknown:-)
Daniele recently posted..Fabulous Fresh Food at “The Californian Restaurant” in the Huntington Beach Hyatt
Totally, Daniele, and thanks for your comment!
Sherie recently posted..Whose Really in Control of Your Life?
What great advice Sherie. I never feel like I control my life and it’s very disturbing to me..;) I am learning to let go of control!
Elizabeth Maness recently posted..Social Media in Tragedies: A Guide for Social Media Brand Managers
Thank you, Elizabeth!
Sherie recently posted..Whose Really in Control of Your Life?
“Attitude is everything… and how flexible we are in reacting to it, depends on our attitude.” Attitude totally influences HOW we go through stuff. It determines whether we become a victor OR a victim…
It certainly does, Norma!
Sherie recently posted..Whose Really in Control of Your Life?
Great suggestions here, Sherie. I like – We do only have now. Today is all we have and for me, when I just work on what is happening at the moment, it works better. Thanks for sharing a great post!
Cathy Taughinbaugh recently posted..ROCKSTAR SUPERSTAR PROJECT: Be the Super Star of Your Life
The time is always now…so appreciate your comment, Cathy!
Sherie recently posted..Whose Really in Control of Your Life?
Thanks Sherie!! I agree – your attitude is the key!!
Estelle recently posted..Article-Are You Resisting Your Taxes? The Law of Attraction can Help!
It really is, Estelle!
Sherie recently posted..Whose Really in Control of Your Life?
Trying to control everything can be very tiresome and stressful. Living in the moment is a great way to combat the need to try and control everything. Great quotes!
Meryl Hershey Beck recently posted..My Favorite Tool
I really think those quotes say it all, Meryl!
Sherie recently posted..Whose Really in Control of Your Life?
Good post Sherie and very true words about controlling one’s reactions to challenges because it is the only thing we can truly control and master. I think people get stressed and loose control over themselves, often they control their emotions and therefore themselves to the moment
Tom H recently posted..Sidecar Doughnuts – Gourmet Doughnuts are In, Cupcakes are Out
Great insights, Tom, thanks so much for your comment!
Sherie recently posted..Whose Really in Control of Your Life?
good post! Thank you for sharing it!
Really appreciate you dropping by and reading it, MarVeena!
Sherie recently posted..Whose Really in Control of Your Life?
What life presents us with each day can certainly not be predicted. Nor does life follow a single path. So, in my eyes, we can be comfortable in our decision-making skills with such variables, as long as our beliefs and values are crystal clear and consistent.
Sharon O’Day recently posted..Life Lessons from Wise Women
Well said, Sharon, absolutely!!
Sherie recently posted..Whose Really in Control of Your Life?
Very good advice, your attitude toward life events is all you can control. You can’t change the past only your attitude.

Kelly Jenkins recently posted..Using Twitter at Events Case Study: WordCamp Miami 2013
Yes, Kelly, that is very true!
Sherie recently posted..Whose Really in Control of Your Life?
I like to use this equation (E)vent +(R)esponse =(O)utcome. Sometimes we cannot control the event, but it is our responses to the events that give us the outcome! Great post Sherie! xo
Angie M Jordan recently posted..How To Write A Good Blog Post… Without Pulling Your Hair Out
Angie, that is so true, we can control our response, always!
Sherie recently posted..Whose Really in Control of Your Life?
Great post, Sherie, I believe we can control certain parts of our life…other things, NO. It’s how we react and deal with the situation that counts. I know…I’ve planned for years and then everything went a completely different direction. Learning how to cope, plan and move on! Thanks so much for sharing. Love it!
Alexandra McAllister recently posted..New To Dating? Some Things Never To Say On Your First Date
Alexandra, right on!
Sherie recently posted..Whose Really in Control of Your Life?
We always have a choice about our attitude. How nice the world would be if people only understood this one bit of wisdom. Thanks again for another wonderful and thought provoking post!
Martha Giffen recently posted..Killer Reasons To Be Using LinkedIn
Awww, Martha, thanks so much for your kind words! : D
Sherie recently posted..Whose Really in Control of Your Life?
Such a truthful post Sherie. In reality we have so little actual control over our lives. It took me a long time to accept that because not having control can be frightening. I love the Brian Tracey quotes. We can only control our own thoughts and actions so there’s no point trying to control anyone else’s – it’s never going to work!
Carolyn Hughes recently posted..The gift of giving.
Carolyn, yes, feeling like we don’t have control can be frightening and knowing what we do have control over can be so freeing…thank you, my dear, for your kind words, so appreciate you!
Sherie recently posted..Whose Really in Control of Your Life?
Great post Sherie. I believe you can control things to a certain extent by what you do – so if you constantly pay attention to your relationship or your bank balance, it is less likely to give you a shock!
But you’re right, no one can be in control of everything that happens in life and we could exhaust ourselves trying. Besides it’s the unpredictability of life that makes it interesting – it would be boring if we knew everything that was going to happen to us from birth.
Ana recently posted..Should You Share Relationship Problems?
Thank you, Ana…and yes, we agree. You still need to do everything possible and understand that no matter what happens, you are at choice…and that is where the power is! I so appreciate your comment!
Sherie recently posted..Control of Your Life? Is it Really Possible?
True words spoken here. We can only be control of our reactions to life’s challenges. I’ve always been fascinated by how different people respond to similar challenges. Some people thrive, some panic, and others act as if nothing happened at all.
Being in control of your reactions (or at least being aware that you CAN be in control) provides a huge boost to your self-image allowing you move forward with your life confident that you can meet the challenges that will inevitably come your way.
It does make such a huge difference to your self-image…right on, Rob!
Sherie recently posted..Control of Your Life? Is it Really Possible?