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How Rekindling Love in Your Relationship Can Be Easier Than You Think

RekindlingHow Rekindling love in your relationship
love…for some people that sounds like a monumental task.

They are overwhelmed with life. They have so many responsibilities.

There are jobs to do…houses to keep…children to look after…and for some…even parents to look after. It can seem like a lot, can’t it?

In the midst of this, there is your relationship. It often takes a back seat to all of the other things that seem so pressing at the time.

Time has a way of passing…and before you know it…you might be sitting there…next to someone who now seems like a stranger to you…

It doesn’t need to be that way.

Rekindling  Love in Relationships that Have Lost Their Spark

I’ve spoken about having values in common. I’ve spoken about taking time to be with each other. I’ve spoken about love strategies and not taking each other for granted.

Yes, these are all important…and what if you’ve done it all? You love each other but you feel more like friends. Or even worse. You feel like roommates…sharing a living space…sharing family…but that intense feeling of love is gone…

You know that you love each other. Yet, you don’t feel like you are “in” love. Do you know what I mean?

Is there anything that can be done? Absolutely…

I am making an assumption here. That assumption is that the foundation for a great relationship exists…that yes, there are values in common…that there was love…that there is respect…and even friendship…

In that case…rekindling love can be very simple…and it doesn’t have to do with flowers on Valentine’s Day or chocolates…although these are very nice…and have their place…: D

This Simple NLP Exercise for Rekindling Love

As a couple, take time out of your busy lives…and revisit memories…

If you have videos or pictures of the times when you were first together and romance was at a high…set aside an hour or two…and go down memory lane. Reminisce together about those times…and smile at each other…as you do…and feel those feelings of love…

And when you’ve done that…pick one of those times…a moment when you felt that you passionately loved each other…and see that picture in your mind…of that time…of that specific time…and see what you saw….all of those colors…make them brighter…and make that picture bigger…and full of life…hear what you heard…those words that you heard that let you know how loved you really are…

And feel those feelings…of love…of romance…when your heart beat just that little bit quicker when you were in the presence of the one you love.

Feel that feeling spread out from your heart and out….warm like the sun…touching the heart of the one that you love….and when you’re ready…step into that picture…in your mind…and just feel that….that’s right…and when you fully and completely remember it all…then know that you can have that feeling…right there…anytime you want it…

That love was always there…you just needed a reminder…and now you have it…that’s right…

And remember this…as well…”Where there is love there is life. Mahatma Gandhi”

Where there is love there is life

Rekindling love in your relationship can be just that easy…if everything else is in place…it’s just remembering…and making that memory strong again…because what we focus on expands…doesn’t it?

If all else is right with your relationship and it just needs a jump start…then this rekindling love exercise is something you can use…when you need to…

“Drive your own life; you deserve to, don’t you?”  Sherie Venner


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I am a Relationship Coach who helps others create happy, healthy, loving relationships…including the relationship they have with themselves…by breaking through those blocks and barriers to success. I use various techniques gathered through training as a Master Practitioner of NLP, timeline, hypnosis and common sense gathered through life experience.

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