As a kid, I loved St. Patrick’s Day…the images of the bright green shamrocks and the leprechauns…splashed around the school and in the stores. For me, it wasn’t the wearing of the green or being Irish for a day that made it special, though. It was because that was the day that we celebrated the [...]
Core Values

In a way, we all are fighting a hard battle. Life comes with many challenges, doesn’t it? The challenge can be a hard battle with our health…with how well our bodies and structure function…with the relationships we have with ourselves…or for a lot of people, the relationships that they have with others. We fall into [...]

If you’ve ever felt like you kept falling for the same bad relationship…almost like you were a magnet that attracted them…then keep reading. I’ve heard this question a lot lately…from both men and women who felt like that. I used to feel like that. It was like I was creating the same kind of relationship…over [...]

Imagine if you will, all those dreams that you have for yourself that you have bundled up neatly in a pack of New Year’s resolutions. That’s right, the ones that you keep by your bedside table, or by your computer monitor on a yellow sticky post it note. . .or maybe it is on your [...]

I remember being in a meeting. There was a discussion going on and I felt like I was prevented from speaking up. No. It wasn’t that anyone said directly to me that I couldn’t say anything. It was a small inner voice…deep inside of my mind…that niggling little voice that said “No…you can’t say anything…what [...]