Goals are important to have. Yes. Most definitely. When you’re in a relationship, shared goals are important, too, as well as the ones you have individually. But what about sharing those weight loss goals, business goals, financial goals before they are a reality with large numbers of people? Is that a good idea? I had [...]

Imagine if you will, all those dreams that you have for yourself that you have bundled up neatly in a pack of New Year’s resolutions. That’s right, the ones that you keep by your bedside table, or by your computer monitor on a yellow sticky post it note. . .or maybe it is on your [...]

Has there ever been a time when you were faced with indecision…when it was really difficult to make that decision… Who can struggle with indecision? Everybody. That’s right. Everybody can be indecisive at one point or another…about something big or something small. Some decisions are hard to make. For some people, making any kind of [...]

I never had the drive or the determination to be an Olympic athlete. I didn’t have much natural ability, either. I was one of those kids who could trip over their own feet walking across a smoothly carpeted living room. I did, however, get a black belt in Tae Kwon Do when I was 50 [...]

You really don’t need to be perfect to achieve your goals. It is a topic that I write about often…because it keeps needing to be said…sometimes one way will work for one person and sometimes another way…and then, one day…all of a sudden…a light dawns and they realize…that yes, there is no place for perfection in a [...]