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  Does an abundance mindset depend on how much money you have?  Or what kind of house you live in? I don’t think so and I hope you don’t either. . . A very dear friend of  mine received some shocking news on November 30.  The company that he worked for had lost two major [...]

Do you feel like you are being hammered with all of the responsibilities, chores and events that are happening in your life? There is a name for that, and it is called overwhelm, which can lead to a state of panic.  When you are faced with overwhelm, it is easy for a small thing to tip [...]

Fear rips the dreams from your sleep and prevents you from going forward in life.  It is the boogey man that steps up and stops you from taking those baby steps.  What can you do about that? Is fear the gatekeeper that you use to keep yourself bound in chains?   Photo by sarniebill1 What Does Fear [...]

Are you feeling overwhelmed by an unfinished project or just the day to day tasks that you have to accomplish? Have you ever heard the expression “Bloom where you are planted?” I am sure that you have…. It’s an expression that I like a lot and it applies to a stressful project that we had [...]

  When you venture forth on your path of self discovery, it helps to have a road map to keep you on track.  That road map, or goals that you choose, should be in line and consistent with core values that you hold dear to you, values that usually are developed in childhood, between the ages of 4 [...]