Did you feel that you needed to be perfect growing up? Perfectionist tendencies are most often started when people are children. It can have its origins in the school system, in peer groups, or be handed down from parents through expectations. Recently, on Grey’s Anatomy, there was a very brilliant scene. Mark Sloan, a perfectionist [...]
Are you aware of the creative power of your imagination? It is a powerful creative tool that you can harness and use to mold and shape the life that you want. Albert Einstein and Michelangelo had it right…imagination is very important. Here are their exact words and two of my favourite imagination quotes. "I saw [...]
You’ve got one life to live. It is up to you if you live it in a prison of negativity and feeling bad or…you can make the decision to have a different life, one filled to the brim with creativity and great relationships. You can decide, right now, to have a life that is based [...]
Do you major in feeling bad or worrying? That might not be an easy question to answer…if you think that bad feelings are normal for you, you might not be able to realize that you are having them. There are those underground subconscious negative emotions that are always there. They aren’t too obvious. There is [...]