We all have to deal with emotional pain because we live. No one is immune. Happiness is wonderful but none of us are in a state of 100% happy, all of the time. Let’s talk about Mary…she’s a friend of yours…and you see her putting up with a lot of crap in her life…and you [...]
Imagine being single and wanting to be in a relationship. That desire is so strong. In fact, it can be so strong that you ignore any misgivings or troubled thoughts and fears that you might have about being in a relationship. And the next thing you know, you’ve taken that leap of faith and you’ve [...]
When someone comes to me and complains that they are feeling dragged out, tired and depressed, one of the questions I ask them is this. Are you getting enough vitamin F? Hmmm. Vitamin F? Yep. Fun. Why Aren’t You Having Enough Fun? I can hear you now… I’m too busy. I have so many [...]
Relationships can be wonderful. They also can be the greatest source of stress and distress in our lives. What would happen if you could notice those red flags…those warning signs? Imagine if you would…driving in a car. You are sitting there, hands on the wheel and you are approaching an intersection. At the intersection, there is [...]

What does needy and desperate look like? Have you ever had one of those relationships? If you’ve ever done this, then that’s what desperation looks like. Texting all the time Wanting to hear the other person’s voice, phoning Wanting to be in constant contact Obsessive thoughts Wondering what the other person is doing all the [...]