Everything is going along well. Then, out of the blue, you find yourself in an angry argument with your partner/spouse. It’s not a knock down and drag out fight. But it’s a disagreement. You find yourself frustrated, trying to find the right words to explain your point of view. Your partner is doing the same. [...]

The biggest problem with feeling like you are being taken for granted is the feeling of being powerless to change it. But what if you actually did have the power to do just that? What if you could change that by changing your own behavior? Because we all know that you can’t change anyone else’s [...]

Father’s Day. It has special significance in our family. That was the day that I married my best friend, my companion, my soul mate (yes, just one person!). We didn’t intend to marry on Father’s Day. We had planned for the Saturday before. My brother and his family couldn’t come that day. So we switched [...]

Relationship anxiety is a huge factor in a lot of people’s lives…and it seems to becoming more common… I talk to a lot of people…both men and women…about relationship anxiety. In fact…it is the number one reason that my clients come to me. Feeling anxious can have its roots in trauma…in limiting beliefs…in trigger events [...]
Are you finding it easy to be successful in both your business and your relationships….or not? So many people are creating businesses…and when they do…they start off with great dreams. Those dreams can come to a screeching halt, though, if the people in our lives don’t support those dreams. Surprisingly (or maybe not), often it is [...]