We all have to deal with emotional pain because we live. No one is immune. Happiness is wonderful but none of us are in a state of 100% happy, all of the time. Let’s talk about Mary…she’s a friend of yours…and you see her putting up with a lot of crap in her life…and you [...]
Self Development

Stressed? No sleep? Physical hardship? Gruelling environment? Plagued by anxious thoughts and feelings? Whether you’re a new parent, working too much in stressful situations, going through a divorce or recovering from a trauma…your life is out of control…and it doesn’t have to be. We live in a time where we are bombarded with information…and that, [...]

You can think that you have control of your life. Then in a moment…it can all change. You can plan. You can schedule. You can mind map. You can visualize. But there can be a moment…or a week…when you don’t feel like you have control of your life at all. You can get sick. You [...]

A crab in a bucket. Now that brings up an interesting picture doesn’t it? We all want to be successful…at our careers, in our families, in our relationships…and often, we try everything to achieve that success. We read books, we go to seminars. We invest in programs for success. We learn. Yet…often… we fail. A [...]

We all know that criticism hurts…a lot…for most people. Yet, for others, it isn’t a big deal…at all. And that might seem strange…and yet…it’s not. There are those people who say that criticism is good for us…that we learn from constructive criticism. Don’t we love to read critiques and reviews about movies, books, plays, and [...]