Helplessness… Have you ever felt like just giving up? You know that helpless feeling you get…when you believe that no matter what you do…it just doesn’t matter…things will never change… I’ve been there…in the past…felt so stuck that I thought that I would lose my very soul in the mire that I was in…I felt [...]
Self Development

I am no stranger to a life of comparing yourself to others. I did this so well for many years. It doesn’t work the way you think it does. When you compare yourself to others, what do you hope to accomplish? Do you think that by doing that, you will motivate yourself to do better, [...]

Each day is an opportunity for a new beginning… Yet…if you are a perfectionist…you might be getting in your own way…and keeping yourself bound up in the chains of perfectionism…and that’s no way to be happy, is it? There are many talented artists whose work never gets shown to the world. Their paintings languish unfinished [...]

I remember being in a meeting. There was a discussion going on and I felt like I was prevented from speaking up. No. It wasn’t that anyone said directly to me that I couldn’t say anything. It was a small inner voice…deep inside of my mind…that niggling little voice that said “No…you can’t say anything…what [...]

Ebenezer Scrooge in “A Christmas Carol” wasn’t a likeable character, in the beginning of the story. As a child, I remember reading the well-loved classic by Charles Dickens many times. It was and still is a favorite of mine. Through a series of events, changes and big projects this fall, I was behind in getting [...]