The holidays are just around the corner…and that means family gatherings…and for some of us…anxiety…and stress… I really am grateful that we as a society have set up holidays as the time to gather with our family and friends…and be grateful for all that we have. Are You More Anxious and Stressed at the Holidays? [...]

We hear a lot about positive thinking and a positive mindset. What happens, though, when you try and try and can’t seem to overcome those limiting beliefs? In fact, what if you were making mistakes daily, that led to making those beliefs stronger? If you struggle with negative thoughts…that lead to depression, anxiety or a [...]

Imagine this. The holidays are looming and you have a party coming up. It might be a party that you are planning or it might just be an important party that you have been invited to. You start to worry. What if no one comes? What if the food isn’t good enough? Or if it [...]

We all want to be happy. In fact, most of us have great expectations of happiness. It doesn’t always work out the way that we expect though, does it? There are break ups. There are illnesses. There are financial difficulties. Real life has problems. Everybody has. Problems are not the problem…the problem is expecting to not [...]

Wow…have you ever had one of THOSE weeks…when just about everything goes wrong or threatens to go wrong? With it comes overwhelm. The dog runs away, there is a break up; a notice comes in the mail that you weren’t expecting…one would be enough to deal with. What happens if there is more than one [...]