Do you major in feeling bad or worrying? That might not be an easy question to answer…if you think that bad feelings are normal for you, you might not be able to realize that you are having them. There are those underground subconscious negative emotions that are always there. They aren’t too obvious. There is [...]

In Part 1, we talked about the first 3 steps to creating your ideal relationship. We discussed Step 1, knowing what you want in an ideal relationship. Also, Step 2, clear out your negative beliefs about relationships. Step 3 was letting go of old, less than ideal relationships. If you’re still with me, good for you! [...]

Yes, it is possible to create your ideal relationship. What if you don't have a current partner? Don’t worry; these steps will help you to clarify what you want so that you can create an ideal relationship. What if you are already in a relationship that is not ideal? As long as there are no [...]

The spectre of unemployment is affecting a lot of people today. In the midst of sudden change in employment status, whether it is from a layoff, termination, or the company that you worked for has gone under, it can be a shock. When people are faced with a shock, they can become depressed, angry or [...]

Life is a journey and along the way changes happen. We aren’t always happy about those changes and they happen anyway. There is a famous song by the Byrds based on a biblical reference. It is called Turn, Turn, Turn. The reference is Ecclesiastes. 3.1: “To everything, there is a season, and a time to [...]