How do you feel about the word “relationship”? Does it make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside, like a small kitten playing with a ball of string, or does it have a negative, yucky feeling to it, like a slimy piece of spaghetti that has been left in the cooking water too long? [...]
Hmmm…..doesn’t sound very pleasant, does it? In fact, you could compare a case of the shoulds to an unpleasant event that happens during flu season, but we won’t go there, will we? : ) I don’t know about you but when I was a child (a long time ago, but I digress), it was [...]
I’m one of those people who knows what time it is without a watch to within 15 minutes….I am always on time…in fact, I consider myself to be late when I am less than 15 minutes early!!! Silly, right?? Some people are always late and the difference that makes the difference is that [...]