I stayed in my first marriage too long. I was afraid to leave because I had a fear of being alone. So I stayed, even though I knew it was better for both of us to make that clean break. It took more time than it should have to leave… “Being alone is scary, but [...]

“Please” and “Thank you” are more than good manners in a relationship. In a recent post that I wrote on the 7 Warning Signs You Are Being Taken for Granted, I suggested that the absence of these words, “please” and “thank you”, were one of those warning signs. Let’s imagine a relationship between two people…let’s [...]

We all like a thumbs up…it’s nice to know that people appreciate something you’ve done… However, if you find yourself needing that approval…or desperately seeking approval…or being a people pleaser and being more concerned with what they think of you…that is a problem. That becomes an empty feeling…because the approval of others never will fill [...]

You thought you were in love. You had all of the symptoms. Now, no matter what you do, you can’t quiet that voice that says “There is something missing.” Does any of this sound familiar? If it does, it can be because of a difference in core values between you and your partner. Core Values and [...]

Has there ever been a time when you were faced with indecision…when it was really difficult to make that decision… Who can struggle with indecision? Everybody. That’s right. Everybody can be indecisive at one point or another…about something big or something small. Some decisions are hard to make. For some people, making any kind of [...]