Have you found yourself in a group of people or with family and felt an overwhelming sense of loneliness? Most people think that they can be lonely only when they are alone. That's not true…you can feel lonely anytime, anywhere, with anyone… "The most terrible poverty is loneliness and the feeling of being unloved" ~ [...]

It is becoming more common…this notion…this misconception that we need to be perfect and that we are not good enough. I am seeing it more and more in clients, friends and family. That belief can underlie so many problems with relationships with others (and certainly the relationship we have with ourselves). Believing that we are [...]

I don’t know about you but I always have the best intentions when I make my to do list. I do it the evening before and feel very proud of that accomplishment. Then I get up in the morning and bam! Life intervenes…a client calls, a member of the family gets sick or the dog [...]

Are you waiting for permission to move forward? Do you feel that you are waiting for something…that there is an unexplained feeling of holding yourself back? Do you feel like you are stuck in frustration, spinning your wheels in the same place, over and over…I like to think of this as a bad déjà vu… [...]

How is your phobia impacting your relationships? It all depends…on what that phobia is of…if you have a phobia about being committed in a relationship, there is a huge impact. If the phobia is of rattlesnakes and you live in an area, where there aren’t any…and you don’t plan on visiting a place where there [...]