My house is always clean in November because I am procrastinating…sound strange? In November, I enter Nanowrimo, a contest of sorts, where you write a novel of 50,000 words in a month. I find myself strangely attracted to vacuuming, dusting, scrubbing bathrooms, doing laundry and eating chips! I, of course, do this to avoid sitting [...]

As we approach Mothers Day, I think of one of my favorite quotes for Mothers Day that says it all for me… “No gift to your mother can ever equal her gift to you – life” ~ Anonymous Life…we all had a mother and some of us were blessed to be raised by the woman [...]
When we think of bullying, we think of children and of bullying in school or on the playground. The sad fact is that bullying can be just as much an issue for people in the workplace. Bullying is never easy to deal with no matter where or how it occurs. Bullies push boundaries. I have [...]

We’ve all been there…at a time in our lives where we believed that anything was possible…especially a healthy relationship. Then reality stepped in, we had a number of firsts…first boyfriend/girlfriend…first break up…first marriage…and for some of us, first divorce. Along the way, the gleam wore off and we started to see things differently and then…this [...]

We have a family legend passed down through the years about the Titanic, that famous unsinkable ship that sunk 100 years ago this month. Yes, my great grandmother, grandmother, great aunt and two great uncles “missed the boat”. Because of that, I am alive today and I am grateful for them “missing the boat”, because [...]