Do you have difficulty settingl boundaries in your relationships? Perhaps you think it is normal to merge with the other person, to become as one. It is a common myth. “Respect yourself if you would have others respect you.” Balthazar Gracian What Can Happen in Relationships without Personal Boundaries? Financial problems Fidelity issues Violence [...]

Did you feel that you needed to be perfect growing up? Perfectionist tendencies are most often started when people are children. It can have its origins in the school system, in peer groups, or be handed down from parents through expectations. Recently, on Grey’s Anatomy, there was a very brilliant scene. Mark Sloan, a perfectionist [...]

Have you been plagued by relationship anxiety? Has it been a factor in your life because of your own anxiety or because of the anxiety of a partner? Nerves and butterflies are fine – they’re a physical sign that you’re mentally ready and eager. You have to get the butterflies to fly in formation, that’s [...]

Are you aware of the creative power of your imagination? It is a powerful creative tool that you can harness and use to mold and shape the life that you want. Albert Einstein and Michelangelo had it right…imagination is very important. Here are their exact words and two of my favourite imagination quotes. "I saw [...]