When I first started learning about NLP, I didn’t know that my childhood love of mysteries and detective stories was going to play out this way in people’s lives. My love of the stories of Sherlock Holmes and unravelling mysteries through the adventures of Doctor Who…well…they don’t compare to the satisfaction of unravelling the mystery [...]

I remember being in a meeting. There was a discussion going on and I felt like I was prevented from speaking up. No. It wasn’t that anyone said directly to me that I couldn’t say anything. It was a small inner voice…deep inside of my mind…that niggling little voice that said “No…you can’t say anything…what [...]

If you have relationship anxiety, this might sound familiar. Are you willing to over commit? Do you sacrifice yourself on the altar of your relationship? Do you have a tendency to be the one who always makes the compromise? Do you give up what you need in order to salvage the relationship? If any of [...]

Have you ever had gut feelings…even a simple hunch…and you didn’t follow it…and then ended up regretting it? I was in the grocery store the other day. I had my little list clenched in my hand and I was going up and down the aisles…stocking my cart with the items on that list. I passed [...]

Have you thought about why you might be playing small? Why you don’t take that chance…that opportunity that might just get you what you have said you have wanted…for a long time. There might be many reasons…and it might look like this… Let’s imagine a young man…he has tons of potential…graduated at the top of his [...]